I’m creating a networked game using tcp based sockets.
(I’m new to networking and threading stuff).
I’m using System.Net.Sockets async methods like socket.BeginReceive() and socket.EndReceive().
All the client-server connecting and messaging works. But as soon as I try access anything from a Monobehavior (so that I can actually have any effect on the Unity game), like a gameobject’s transform, an exception is thrown telling me that I can only access these properties from the main thread.
My question is why am I not back on the main thread after I call foo.EndReceive()? How do I return to the mainthread using the async socket api? Will I end up having to use the synchronous socket api and just handle the threading myself so I can properly resync with Unity’s main thread?
My hunch is that the problem is occurring because of the way in which i set up the beginInvoke() callbacks recursively… in that i setup the begininvoke callback inside the beginInvoke callback which perhaps isn’t executed on the mainthread??? I’m not sure… Any help would be much appreciated.
//code which sets up the callbacks which are executed when a client receives a message from the server
void BeginReceive() => _clientSocket.BeginReceive(_messageReceivedBuffer, 0, _messageReceivedBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ReceiveCallback, null);
void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult result)
var msg = _serializer.ByteArrayToObject<NetworkMessage>(_messageReceivedBuffer);
//this clientmanipulation manipulates the game grid and the gameobjects' which it references
//it's in this method that an exception gets thrown and the code breaks