Hi all,
First post here.
I’ve recently started learning Unity and in need of some help.
I have a couple questions and was hoping someone could please help me out
Two questions: In this code, why do all the cubes change colour and the one in the bottom left is always a lighter colour? How would I go about assigning a different random colour to each of the cubes? I know if I use the update function I can do this, but I would like to leave it in a separate function.
Second question is how can I differentiate between the 36 cubes I created? Do I need to give them tags (cube1, cube2 etc). I would like to later give them various commands. For example, pressing a button would cause a specific cube (say cube16) to change colour.
void Spawn(){
int x = 6, y = 6, count = 1;
for(int i = 1; 7 > i; i++)
x = i;
for(int j = 1; 7 > j; j++)
y = j;
Instantiate(cube,new Vector3(x,y,1),Quaternion.identity);
int k = Random.Range(0,2);
if (k == 1){
cube.renderer.material.color = Color.red;
cube.renderer.material.color = Color.blue;
Debug.Log("Creating cube number: " + count+" "+k);
count = count +1;