Beginner Tutorials

Does anyone know of any sites which contain some good beginner tutorials? Is this something that the Unity guys might be adding in future?

I’ve been finding that the existing tutorials (Penelope, FPS, etc) are still a lot larger than they need to be for beginners, and there’s a lot of info in them that doesn’t really help unless you’re planning on creating something in a similar style to the tutorial.

I’d love to see things like - let’s create a cube, write a script to make the camera rotate around it, write another script to react to user tapping the cube, etc. REALLY basic stuff.

There’s a few tutorials on YouTube but they tend to be just random topics that don’t really help to build an overall understanding. I thought maybe there was another source out there that I may have overlooked?


Always happy to reply to my own threads :slight_smile:

I’ve just found a series of videos on YouTube that might be interesting - there’s certainly a lot of them, but I can’t talk about the quality of the content just yet.

Still looking though - if anyone knows of some good ones, please let me know.

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There are some good tutorials here:

Will’s book is worth a look as well.

There are some good tutorials here and Will’s book is worth a look as well.

Thanks! And I’ve ordered the book - should be arriving early next week.

There are some decent beginner tutorials for Unity at

your welcome :wink:
