Hi all,
My name is Sue Blackman and the second edition of my book is finally out! As you may have guessed, the title is Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity 4 (Apress, publishers). As with the first edition, I’ve written this book especially for artists and designers and those of you who are new to scripting and game development in general.
The book is project based and takes you through the process of creating a first person adventure game- a genre that is very forgiving and well suited to beginning scripting. Even if adventure games aren’t your final goal, you will be able to get a handle on the concepts and implementation of game logic, state management, inventory, saving/loading and other in-depth topics useful in many other types of games. The approach is to start small and add functionality a little bit time with plenty of visual feedback for your scripting efforts.
While the first book’s project was a classic adventure game, this time around, I’ve included physics and some favorite Unity special effects as part of the interaction. With Mecanim as the foundation, the introduction of a couple of NPCs (non-player characters) and the creation of a dialog tree helps make this version more contemporary.
For those of you new to Unity, you will soon discover that Unity tends to make changes in each release that can make authoring for this great game engine, well, challenging. Bookmark this first post- I’ll be adding errata, clarification, and later, changes required by new Unity releases.
I hope this book will help many of you take the next step toward that ‘dream game’ you’ve always wanted to make!
Page 111, steps 9-11 talk about adding a tree, “Big Tree” to the scene. In the first edition, I had people build a tree, so had them bring that package in when they first set up the project.Big Tree is included with TreeCreator.UnityPackage. It can be brought into an existing scene with Assets (the menu)>Import Assets> Tree Creator or right-click in the Project view)>Import Assets> Tree Creator
Page 113, step 1 instructs you to “Locate the Palm tree in the Project view and drag it into the Scene view”.
should probably read: step 1 “Locate the Palm tree asset (blue box with paper icon), not the Palm folder, in the Project view, and drag it into the Scene view”.
If you are using Two Columns Layout, the Palm image will have an open arrow on its right side
Page 117, step 10 refers to selecting “Refresh Tree and Detail Prototypes” from the Terrain menu. Unity removed the Terrain menu and spread the functionality throughout the Inspector. There is now a Refresh button next to the Edit Tree [ or Edit Details] button for trees and detail meshes, so if you change an asset (I think we adjust the Scale Factor for the Old Banyan Tree), it must be “refreshed” for the changes to be updated in the terrain.
Pagec 147 156, Appendix B was a list of the strings names of keyboard keys, Input.GetKey (“a”)
A short version can now be found by searching “Input” in the Manual
Page 473, There is no resetMO variable, do not add the following 2 lines (it was left over from some de-bug test):
//reset mouseover s
if (resetMO) GUI.Box(Rect(0,0, Screen.width, Screen.height), “”, customGUIStyle);
For those of you who are interested, the Box control blocks mouseovers on the 3D objects behind it. This “empty” box was set to full screen size.