Hello! So my team and I are on a crunch time to get some worthy AI rolling. I had refered Behave to them to help us get it up and running. Since we dont know how to use it really, would you say its worth the time to take to learn it, because it really doesnt seem complicated, or should we just stick with the IEnumerators/Coroutines?
A general rule is to assume anything new, even something you know is vastly superior to what you are using now, will have undeterminate length, show-stopping snags in it, and may not work out at all. Think of the host of little tricks that completely stumped you until you figured them out, and that awsum “I am unable to do more work until I solve this” feeling.
Safest thing is to throw someone on a prototype (does anyone say “Proof of Concept” anymore?) using whatever it is. Even then, it may work fine, but won’t play nice with undocumented features you use in the sound system.