Behavior 1.0.8 delays and regressions in 1.0.7

Hello Behavior users!

We hoped to release 1.0.8 for you this week, however we discovered we’ve introduced quite a few regressions in 1.0.7 mainly due to 2-3 fixes we brought in that weren’t tested well enough and that have introduced quite a few painful issues to you.

We’re sorry about that.

We’re delaying 1.0.8 to next week to ensure we fix most of those issues and test it thoroughly to ensure high quality. We hope to bring you a lot of fixes in 1.0.8 and prevent further regressions so you can use Behavior as you’d expect.

Our sincere apologies for the delay and regressions in 1.0.7. Please stay tuned and keep up the amazing feedback and support :heart: