Behavior Driven Development and Unity?

I’ve been googling my little heart out, to see if there are existing frameworks for doing BDD in Unity, but it seems like… no?

I’m coming from a Ruby/Cucumber background, and so am probably ignorant of dozens of well understood best practices and idioms when it comes to dotnet development and testing.

I’ve looked at SpecFlow, which looked promising until I got to the part where I needed to set up the context (which I think would involve initializing the Unity Engine, loading a scene, etc); I’m not sure where to start to figure that out.

I also see there is a project GitHub - imkira/cukunity: cukunity is an automation/testing framework that simplifies BDD testing of Unity 3D games. which sounds like exactly what I was hoping for, except that it hasn’t been updated in four years.

Can anyone clue me in? Does the Unity community just not find BDD a useful approach for development with Unity? Maybe my google-fu is just not up to snuff? Do people write their own stuff on top of the integration test framework provided by Unity Test Tools?


Did something change on this regard since the last post?