Behavior Graph bug

Sometime subgraph get into a buggued state where whatever you do (even deleting the graph itself) wont change anything. The solution is to move the node from the main graph and put it back. I found it out after hours of wondering what was going on.

Please fix it.

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Hi @DevilCult

Could you provide a bit more context? Do you have any repro steps?

During an internal validation week we did encounter an issue where static subgraphs (RunSubgraph with an asset directly assigned) being save is not reflected in a parent graph. Do you think that might be the same issue?

The repro would be something like:

  1. Create 2 new graph assets (Parent and Child)
  2. Open Parent graph and add a RunSubgraph node - assign Child graph asset to the node field
  3. Close Parent and attach it to a BehaviorAgent on the scene
  4. Open Child and add a LogMessage node - print “Hello World”
  5. Close Child and run playmode
  6. Observe than no log is raised.
  7. Open Parent, make a change and save
  8. Run playmode and observe that the log is raised

If this issue sounds like the same you encounter, it is the next on my list.
Not sure if this fix will land this year though, worst case we will add the work around on the Known Issue page.

Sorry for the inconvenience :bowing_man:

Sound like the same issue. I cannot repro mine easily as i was making a bunch of node on the fly and suddenly the subgraph stopped updating from the main graph. But it happened a few time during the week and last week. Made about 10-15 node and the subgraph just stopped working at some point probably because of some error encoutered is my guess. Had to re-parent the subgraph to the main graph to make the whole thing update the nodes again.

Closing unity and reopening it wasn’t saving the day. Which is why it took sometime to get it back working.

I’m also having a lot of issues with subgraphs, specially subgraphs nested inside subgraphs. I tried to isolate the problem but I couldn’t do it, because the subgraphs randomly become buggy and they are left hanging, or for no reason they return failure in situations where they shouldn’t…

It sounds like the problem on this post, though. In one occasion, only when I deleted and placed again a subgraph in the parent graph, only then the subgraph worked. But still, with other problems, even when I replaced the subgraph, they don’t get fixed.

I wanted to ask if you guys have been able to pinpoint the problems, because right know I’m stuck and unable to continue woking with Behavior until subgraphs become more solid, as I depend much on them.

Thank you.

Hi @DiegoRuizValenciano

A fix has landed yesterday to address static subgraph not propagating save to their parent graph.

It should land in the upcoming version 1.0.8, ETA is end of next week.

For now the workaround is to open any parent graphs that references your subgraph, moving a node and saving them. Really sorry for the inconvenience :bowing_man: