Behavior Package 1.0.8 Released! Changelog inside

Hello Behavior users and other people who aren’t using Behavior yet! :slight_smile:

We’re pleased to announce that Behavior 1.0.8 is now out and available for you to use. You can find the changelog below.

This update brings a lot of fixes and stability, especially for dynamic subgraphs but not limited to that.

Please note we are aware of some issues with the Runtime Serialization feature and we’re hard at work to get this fixed asap.

Also the change mentioned in Big change coming to Behavior Package (delayed node execution fix) isn’t in 1.0.8 to ensure it is ready for users. I’m personally very excited for it!


[1.0.8] - 2025-02-03


  • Switch node will no longer log errors for unassigned children.
  • Updated sample materials to URP (the default render pipeline for Unity 6.0).
  • Start() will start the graph again if it’s not currently running (i.e. it finished, or just been set). It’ll defer it to Update() if the component is disabled.
  • Components will now appear under the Other/MonoBehaviours search menu for variable types (adding new variables, or setting them for node variables).
  • Updated AppUI to 2.0.0-pre.16 to benefit from fixes to AppUI.


  • Fixed an issue where existing subgraph representations would not sometimes be removed when deleting the text input.
  • Static subgraphs now have their parent rebuilt when saved.
  • Fixed regression where renaming a blackboard variable would not be reflected in the graph.
  • Calling BehaviorGraphAgent.Restart() before the graph was started resulted in the graph’s Start() being called twice.
  • Fixed search view string formatting leaking through to the callers such as type dropdowns.
  • Fixed an issue where case differences in the case of variable names on the subgraph representation could cause duplicate fields added on a SubgraphNodeModel.
  • Opening a behavior graph window wasn’t focusing the window when docked, causing it to be behind other windows.
  • Graph agent init and start states weren’t set correctly after runtime deserialization.
  • Restart() was running first iteration of the graph even when the agent was paused.
  • Fixed behavior graph not always framing the graph content correctly when opening a Behavior Graph asset.
  • Fixed attempting to assign a GameObject to a newly created GameObject Blackboard Variable in the Blackboard inspector not working.
  • Fixed an issue where Run Subgraph node LinkFields would not keep their override values correctly when the Subgraph Representation mode was toggled on.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicated Run Subgraph nodes did not keep their Subgraph Representation mode selected for the node UI.
  • Right Click → Edit/Inspect Script will now work correctly with VSCode.
  • Fixed warning when changing a BlackboardVariable type to Vector2Int or Vector3Int.
  • Fixed search filter formatting persisting when using the back button to return to the search root.
  • Improved search query result accuracy.
  • Overriding ‘Self’ variable works again, allowing you to use a different GameObject to the one running the graph.
  • NavigateToTargetAction will correctly return success instead of failure if it’s started within range of the target.
  • Fixed an issue where fields on duplicated nodes did not keep the correct local values from the original.
  • Sequencing/Enum Wizards will no longer propose the same enum/port name as one that already exists (example, adding 2 members with default name, deleting the 1st one and adding a new one used to call both Member 2).
  • Fixed BlackboardAsset Shared Variable keeping playmode value.
  • Run Subgraph (Dynamic) wasn’t initializing a copy of the graph asset correctly, causing data to be shared amongst agents sharing the graph and corrupting the graph asset.
  • Various SetBlackboardVariable APIs were writing to the asset incorrectly before it was initialized.
  • Changing the value of a subgraph blackboard variable to a different subgraph will now correctly update the dynamic subgraph node running it.
  • Subgraph variables will correctly sync with the parent graph and vice versa.

Known Issues

  • After much user feedback and investigation, we have determined that runtime serialization is not recommended for use at this time due to an existing limitation in its implementation. Our team is working diligently to address these concerns and bring the feature to the expected quality level in an upcoming release. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we strive to enhance this functionality.
  • After using the “Delete Runtime Assets” button for the graph, prefabs/objects using the graph may lose their references to it (or contain an old stale one) and need reassignment.

Hey, could you please elaborate on that? Is it performance wise or something else?

Hi @mishakozlov74! Yes of course.

We’re using the Unity Serialization package under the hood to do the json serialization, however we found that classes outside of our assembly weren’t serializing some of the properties despite us giving the appropriate tags. Darren from the team is working on a fix which we’re hopeful to bring out in 1.0.9 as he’s been thoroughly working on it and testing it for a few weeks now.

So currently without this fix, some data will be missing from serialized nodes that aren’t part of our assembly.

Another thing to note is that even though we are using the serialization package, due to various reasons we in fact have a copy of it embedded inside our package instead of using the public one.


After upgrading to 1.0.8, I’m getting an infinite compile window every time my main graph is compiled.
This graph uses subgraphs with subgraphs inside them. That’s the problem.
It was working fine on 1.0.7.

Maybe the something related to the fix Static subgraphs now have their parent rebuilt when saved.

I experienced the same issue, and I believe it’s the same problem discussed here: Import Hangs When Two Behavior Graphs Reference the Same Behavior Graph. For now, I just downgraded the package to version 1.0.7 again.

I need 1.0.8 since it fix the persist changes error in subgraphs when editing them.
My hope 1.0.9 fix this issue.

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I would give up hope on that. The entire Behavior package team was laid off earlier today.
Sounds like there is no future updates for the Behavior package and it is being scrapped.
Unity post link below.

An update on Behavior - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions


a complete waste of time, how can one keep trusting this company is beyond me


Chances are there’s no 1.0.9 version coming.