My business paperwork was just approved (finally) by Apple, so within the next week or two I’m diving back into Unity to see how much I’ve forgotten And my dusty half-finished game will be coming to iPhone first, not to Mac/PC as planned. Strange times, but fun!
Meanwhile, for the sake of discussion, I’ve been over at TouchArcade compiling a list of behaviors that make a game a “good citizen” on the iPhone.
This list is NOT about:
• Pricing, selling, marketing and user-communication issues–that’s a whole separate can of larvae
• “Nice things to have” like global high scores and a music track
• Unseen coding practices and behind-the-scenes developer-only issues
• Game play itself
This list IS about user-facing behaviors that people experience WHILE USING the app. Things that make an app a “good citizen” of your device. In the case of games, it’s issues “around” game play rather than game play itself (which is highly subjective).
I doubt Unity can (yet) address all of these, and even if it could, I doubt any game from any engine will ever meet ALL of these criteria. Certainly mine won’t! I see this list as simply an ideal for myself (and other game devs) to strive for.
In that spirit, here’s my list of “good citizen” behaviors, in hopes that others will have useful additions or comments:
• Auto-save progress on exit, sleep or incoming call
• Work in any of 2 or 4 orientations (if it makes sense for the game)
• Allow recalibration of tilt center (if applicable)
• Mute all game audio when ringer switch is set to off
• Offer visual feedback for all important sounds (including speech) to allow silent play
• Track own volume level separate from ringer volume
• Have on-screen volume controls for 1st-gen Touch users
• Use the standard OS keyboard if possible (and the right version: be it numeric-only, email-centric, or regular)
• Allow playing iPod music (started beforehand) and using the mini-controls, while still having sound effects
• Use internal settings controls instead of the central Settings screen (sorry, Apple!)
• Remember all settings/customization options (if any) including player name/login
• Use a login rather than device ID to track users/scores
• Not contain 3rd-party ads if any users paid for the app
• Clearly warn users if they’re about to link outside the app (and use an in-game Web view if possible)
• Be usable with color blindness
• Be localized (largest audiences? English, French, German? Then Japanese, Spanish?)
• On phones set to a language the app doesn’t support, at least show English (not completely missing text)
Any thoughts?
(From this TouchArcade thread: )