What is BeholdR (formerly TE WYSIWYG)
BeholdR (pronounced “Beholder”) is a Unity® Editor extension that allow you to see image effects, post processes and HDR effect right in the editor Scene View.
Why BeholdR
When working with Image Effects or HDR, the Scene View – which doesn’t support them – fails to show the final look of the game.
By enabling Image Effects and HDR in the Scene View, BeholdR saves you the need for a reference Game View, providing you with an accurate and smoother editing experience.
Key Features:
Accurate Scene View with Image Effects & HDR
Changes in the Inspector update live in the Scene View
Link a camera to the scene camera for easier positioning
Looks great. This is one of the things that has annoyed me for a while now. If I may ask, how did you accomplish this? I had simply assumed that it is not possible to hook into how Unity does scene view rendering.
The scene view uses a camera behind the scenes (pun intended), so we could (after doing some serious digging) hook into it.
The complex side of things was to ensure the live sync, and also to debug this thing with all the different kinds of exotic situations.
By the way, it’s very enjoyable to look at the scene grid with HDR, AA and glow. Feels like you beat the system.
From what I’ve dug around, none are as robust, debugged or simple as our solution, and you wouldn’t get support for any of them if something funny happens.
If you’d like to discuss the price point please contact me on email.
I have this error : Assets/WYSIWYG/WYSIWYG.cs(250,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `ColorCorrectionCurves’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
Hey folks!
TE WYSIWYG version 2 is out!
We’ve improved stability and compatibility, and added an extremely neat new feature
Now you can sync the game camera with the scene camera so when you move around in the scene view the game camera follows.
Hi. Congrats for this awesome tool. Makes Unity closer to UDK
I bought it because I want to record a camera, I have to make a cinematic. What I see is that Animation is not capturing the camera transation. If you check UDK Matinee + Director track, you will see all you have to do is to fly around the world and capture the key when you want. That’s what I need, Could you have a look to that? Thank you.
Hello David!
I’ll definitely have a look into that. In fact, we plan to re-brand WYSIWYG and release a new version so I’ll see if we can squeeze that feature in time for release.
EDIT: In the meantime I’ve seen that it’s possible to set an animation manually, but you have to add both translation and rotation curves and add a key to both.
You mentioned that you plan to re-brand TE WYSIWYG. I was on your website and noticed something called BeholdR - I take it that is the re-branded TE WYSIWYG?
Now, I want to buy TE WYSIWYG from the Unity Asset Store, but before I do I want to know if I will be able to get BeholdR for free when it comes out on the Asset Store or if I will have to pay for that as well. Considering it is just a re-brand I would assume that anyone who purchased TE WYSIWYG will be getting BeholdR for free?
Finally, when exactly do you think BeholdR will be available on the Unity Asset Store?
If you could let me know as soon as possible, that would be awesome!
Indeed it is! It’s pronounced ‘Beholder’, as in “The Scene View is in the eye of the BeholdR”
Again, you are correct. TE WYSIWYG will be updated into BeholdR and will be available as a free upgrade for everyone who bought TE WYSIWYG, whether they got it from the Asset store or directly from us.
We have a few urgent issues regarding our new project that are stuck in the pipeline right now and we have to resolve them before we can release BeholdR. We sincerely believe it will be worth the delay however as we plan something very cool.
You can subscribe to this thread, or to any of our social networks; updates will come as soon as we can post them.
Thank you for the very fast reply! I just purchased TE WYSIWYG and have been playing around with it for the past few hours. I absolutely love it! Certainly money well spent.
I am looking forward to the release of BeholdR, and as such I subscribed to this thread and all of your social network accounts so I will be notified to moment you guys release it!
Thanks again for your response and for making such an awesome asset!