I don’t really know if this post belongs here but I am in need of some help.
I’m creating a learning game (app for Android) that’s based off of a mathematics textbook. There’s the main topics which each contains subtopics. My approach to this is to create mini games for each of the subtopics so that kids would answer randomly picked questions from the mini game (subtopic) of their choosing but I’m not sure how to do this. I’m mainly using UI for the questions and answers and there would be tutorials for each of the mini games since each of them are different.
So I guess the flow would be like this if its still unclear:
Start of the game → Select topic → Select subtopic → Play tutorial → Randomly select 3 questions from a pool → Track whether they answered correct or wrong (I’m using SQLite to store the score)
I’m relatively new to Unity so I’m not sure how to approach this effectively and any criticism and/or feedback is welcomed as I am trying to learn this.