Best approach to override teplate elemets

I have a question about the best approach to templates, and using them.

Let’s say we have a template for a button/panel that has an icon and text. And when using this template we want to change the icon sprite and text for each panel. What is the best approach to do it?
For icons, we can create styles and override it, but not for text.
We can create custom controls that will store both and set them (similar to default UI Toolkit button) but I’m struggling with when should I search for specific elements and set them. In on Geometry Changed?

I have something like that but I don’t know if it is the best aproach.

namespace LoopGame.UI
	using SoBadSoGoodGames.UI;

	using UnityEngine;
	using UnityEngine.Localization;
	using UnityEngine.UIElements;

	public partial class BottomBarButton : CustomButton
		private Sprite iconBackground;
		private string localeKey;

		private VisualElement buttonIconImage;
		private Label buttonName;
		public Sprite IconBackground
			get => iconBackground;
				iconBackground = value;
		public string LocaleKey
			get => localeKey;
				localeKey = value;

		public BottomBarButton()
		private void OnGeometryChanged(GeometryChangedEvent evt)
			UnregisterCallback<GeometryChangedEvent>(OnGeometryChanged); // Remove callback after execution

		private void UpdateButtonIcon()
			buttonIconImage ??= this.Q<VisualElement>("Icon");

			if (buttonIconImage != null)
			{ = new StyleBackground(IconBackground);
		private void UpdateButtonName()
			buttonName ??= this.Q<Label>("NameLabel");

			if (buttonName?.GetBinding(nameof(Label.text)) is LocalizedString localizedString)
				localizedString.TableEntryReference = LocaleKey;


If you’re doing this through the builder, we support attribute overrides for templates, just make sure the element is named, and when clicking on it from the parent uxml document, you’ll be able to override the attributes.

Like this:

Hope this helps!

Not on this level

So I came up with a script that exposes those properties but I don’t know if I’m doing it the right way to change layout when setting those properties (script form first post)

That’s because it’s bound, you can unset that binding, and override the value.

Thats true but then I can’t add binding to it.