[BEST ARTISTIC TOOL - UNITY AWARDS 2019] Aura 2 - Volumetric Lighting & Fog

Hi, I’m currently getting three of these warning messages when using Aura 2 and wondered if anyone else has had these and how to fix them ?

GarbageCollector disposing of ComputeBuffer allocated in C:\Users\mattg\Unity Projects\A Cats Home V1.00.002alpha\Assets\Aura 2\Core\Code\Classes\PointLightsManager.cs at line 95. Please use ComputeBuffer.Release() or .Dispose() to manually release the buffer.
UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer:Finalize ()

Well, you need to make money as a developer… period… So, you don’t work for free… So, charge what you think its fair, and that covers costs… as a developer myself, for years, I won’t work for free or sell my stuff cheap, so I would never ask anyone else too… hobbist need to understand that this stuff takes skill, time and money to make… So, 100$ would still be cheaper than if they hired a contractor like myself… I charge 150-250$ an hour… So for a tool like Aura 2, was worth well over 100$/…

You need to get paid for your hard work, and people who support you will pay…to many people are trying to get work from developers for cheap and free…They need to realize, that this work takes time… and skill to do, so you should get paid for such…

But what ever you decide, most supporters will be fine with…regardless. Some will complain even if its 25$… .We see this with games on Steam, gamers complain if a game is 20$…even when its a great game…So, set the price when your ready to. I wouldn’t listen to anyone, market fair value for your skill and work, and set the price.

Just my 2 cents.

hehe, CP was in development well over 9+ years nearly a decade…, the release date was not the problem, poor management was the issue and is the problem for many companies I see this alot over the nearly 30 years of being in this industry from AAA, AA and smaller companies… They tend to have horrible management, many will have great developers, but the upper management, is typically bad… Most can’t draw a stick figure, or write “hello world” or design wireframes, or block outs… Let alone, plan for a game to be made…


I never set dates either, people will be like you promised though!!

… Best date to set, is its done when its done… People will always find a reason to complain… if you set a date or not. Less stress when you don’t I found over decades in this industry. So when your done, i’m sure it will be great, as the first two versions and well worth the cost of what ever you set.

Aura 1 and 2 been fantastic over the years.

Same warnings here…Does anyone know why this ?

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Those warning are editor only and harmless and unfortunately can’t get rid of…

It’s just Unity’s way to say “hey you’re doing something very fancy here, the editor works in a different way so I am gonna make sure the computer doesn’t explode” :slight_smile:

I’m building my project but something wrong with my shader:(

That’s very weird. Can you give more technical information about your project?

When I moved my project to another PC , I built it succeeded.
I don’t know why, but everything is good now.

Hello! Is there an URP version ready for my body? - happy to test! :smile:

Is there a way to use this asset in VR? When my camera has the camera script enabled everything is black…

Is it possible to use Aura in a split screen type of situation?
Can aura work on two camera sources without fog of one camera showing in another camera?

Hi! Can you give more specific technical details of your setup ?

Yes absolutely! :slight_smile:

Hi @raphick
Of late I been getting this error on my Project. Its Unity 2021.3.8
The game continues running … with the error, but the complete Editor freezes when I open any game UI like main menu or Inventory. I havent changed anything recently

UnityEngine.GUILayout:Window (int,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,string,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[ ])
Aura2API.SceneViewToolbox:smile:rawActivationToggleButton () (at Assets/Aura 2/Core/Code/Editor/Editors/SceneViewToolbox.cs:1006)
Aura2API.SceneViewToolbox:OnSceneViewGUI (UnityEditor.SceneView) (at Assets/Aura 2/Core/Code/Editor/Editors/SceneViewToolbox.cs:505)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
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Looks like an error triggered by the garbage collector that’s very weird, could you send me an email ?

I have these same errors. Even on a new/fresh project I get them. I’m using the same unity version as well 2021.3.8. I can clear them with no issues, but they reappear shortly after. Any ideas?

Thank you! I have mailed you.

Got it, gonna have a look asap!


Is it possible to move Aura 2 out of the root of the Asset directory? I got a bunch of shader errors when I opened up the project after.

Hii… did you get a chance to look into this error? My console is filled with the error!

These are the errors I got after moving Auro into a 3rd party folder. Hopefully there’s just something simple I missed and Aura 2 doesn’t have to be in the root of the Assets folder.