[BEST ARTISTIC TOOL - UNITY AWARDS 2019] Aura 2 - Volumetric Lighting & Fog

Hey all. New user here. Is there a dedicated discord channel for Aura 2?

It looks like it changes the nature of the depth textureā€¦
Does it work with anything than SP Stereo? (Unity has basically dropped any support for the builtin and introduced a lot of bugs related to stereo rendering)

There used to be one but it has been a nightmare (raided, hack attempts, bots and spams).

We are now investigating for new solutions for the release of Aura 3.

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Same problem here.
Aura 2 works well in VR SinglePass until Unity 2018.2
Iā€™m now using Unity 2021 in singlepass instanced and does not work.

it will be so cute if Raphael could suggest us some leads for tweaking the code. (and maybe there is no way ?)

Yeah they really fucked up stereo rendering, partially upgrading the builtin renderer then stopping in the middle of the work, then they moved to the SRPs and never bothered to fix their issues.
Right now I cannot promise we can find a solution for this, Iā€™ll have a new look next week.

Thanks Raphael. This could be nice.
Especially since aura2 is much better in terms of rendering and performance than any other volumetric solution (kronectā€¦).
You did a very great job.
keep us informed.

Did you remember this post on reddit ? : Reddit - Dive into anything
My game is well advanced now. Only Aura2 missed me. :slight_smile:

Put me on the list for Aura 3 :smiley: Have always liked Aura.

Is there an estimate on the release of Aura 3 ?

I have this issue. It works decent with reprojection at 0.90 or so.