Hi, I am wondering what the best setup using cinemachine would be for conversations with characters in 3D (For examples, games like the Witcher or Baldur’s Gate 3 or any other dialogue heavy rpg).
-I was thinking maybe using spline dollys with a half circle and using offset to create more distance from the various points when you need it farther away. Not sure if there are far better methods
-How would you rotate the camera to always face the characters face when they rotate themselves, and how would you go about disabling that, etc.
I am rather new to cinemachine and can’t find much documentation or tutorials on how other people set up a system like that, I would love to hear/see how you all did it.
Thank you
I would avoid dolly unless you really need some weird path shape.
Much simpler to just use a Follow camera whose offset is set in target-local space, so that camera moves with the target. Add damping and/or hand-held noise to make it interesting.
what would you recommend for how many cameras to use, should I use 1 per character or should I have many per character. I am linking it with the yarnspinner system to call cameras from their scripts manually during dialogue. Any other tips? Thanks for responding
Generally it’s one CM camera per shot. A shot is defined as a specific framing strategy for a specific target. Activate and deactivate the CM cameras to cut or blend between them.
How many shots you want is a stylistic choice.