Today saw the release of our All New MegaFiers - 2 Mesh Deformation System. After more than 10 years and over 300 Updates to our original MegaFiers we have finally completed a full rewrite of the asset and made some massive improvements making the system much easier and more fun to use and bringing amazing performance improvements as well.
Firstly we rewrote all the Modifiers and some other core systems to make use of Unity Jobs and the Burst Compiler, this allows MegaFiers - 2 to run at 40x the Speed, this not only means you can have more deforming objects in your games than ever before but also makes the Editor a lot faster. The all new Rocket Demo scene included in MegaFiers - 2 has 17 Rockets deforming in different ways and when run using the Original MegaFiers it used 96ms per frame, the same scene in MegaFiers - 2 uses only 2.4ms. As well as that Speed Increase we have added systems that Auto Disable any mesh updates or other heavy CPU actions if they are not required again adding even more performance.
The Workflow with MegaFiers - 2 has also seen a major overhaul, it is now much easier to Add and Remove deformations to your Objects, the Undo system is now fully functional, and deformed objects can be copied just like any other GameObject. And now Deformed Objects just work with the Prefab system so no more messing with Menu options to copy or make prefabs, just drag an drop. MegaFiers - 2 also works properly now with the Unity Animation window making it very easy to create fun deformations for any of the Modifiers.
The full rewrite has also allowed us to strip out years of custom code and work arounds required each time Unity changed the way things worked or depreciated features, so the code is no longer bogged down by all that baggage.
Another major new feature is MegaFiers - 2 can now deform Sprites as well as 3D Meshes, so you can bring all sorts of fun animations and effects to your 2D Game projects as well, and along side that we now have Complete Support for Text Mesh pro objects both Meshes and UI versions so you can Twist, Stretch, Bend any of your Game text be it in your Game World or on your UI.
A feature that has long been needed as also been added with MegaFiers - 2 now able to deform Groups of objects as if they are a single object, this gives you a lot more options in how you can apply MegaFiers - 2 to your game. Along with Groups we also made it simple to have a Collider Mesh deform along with your objects so you can now have a simple Mesh Collider object deform and be updated with much less over head than having to use complex meshes for colliders.
Also added its ability to drive the deformation of a Complex mesh from a simple version which is great if you have a complex stack of deformations and want to deform an object with a lot of small detail, the simple mesh is deformed and the Complex mesh is only updated via one simple deformer greatly reducing the CPU usage and along with our all new Jobs and Burst Normal calculator bringsd even more performance gains to MegaFiers - 2.
So that is some of the new features we have added to MegaFiers - 2, please check out our videos for more info, and check back as we continue to improve and add to this new version.
New Features
- Full rewrite of all core systems
- Rewrite for Unity 2019.1 and newer
- All modifiers converted to use Unity Burst and jobs.
- New normal calculation system using Burst that is as fast as the Unity calc normals but preserves groups etc
- Rewritten to use Burst and Jobs for between 5 to 50 times performance improvement
- New auto disable system which will detect when a mesh does not need updating
- Virtually no slow down when editing scenes with lots of modifiers
- Seemless integration into Unity prefab system
- Copying of objects now just works
- Undo system fully functional
- Animation window properly detects changes for easier animation of deformations
- All workarounds for previous versions of Unity removed, streamlining the systems and improving performance
- Wrap system updated and working with Burst for 5 times performance improvement
- Path deform modifiers now uses Burst for spline interpolations gaining 20 times performance boost
- Attractor modifier also makes use of Burst for finding nearest point on splines for 10 times boost in perfomance
- Sprite deformation system, now you can stretch, squash, bend your Unity sprites.
- 2D FFD/Lattice modifiers specially for working with sprite
- Full Text Mesh Pro support, both mesh and UI versions, updates with changes etc. Deform your UI text or 3d text.
- Group deform support, deform multiple objects as one.
- Support for deforming ProBuilder objects.
- Improved Scroll making system, automatic setup.
- Add your own modifiers.
- Use low poly meshes to drive deformation of high poly ones
- Works on all Graphic Pipelines
- Works on Unity Platforms including VR and AR
- Reorder modifier stack by dragging components in inspector
- Proxy Mesh Collider option for faster collider updates
- Improved worflow with simple dropdown box for adding modifiers
- Quick edit area showing main params for all attached modifiers and quick disable/enable
- Limit Deformations to parts of Meshes using Vertex Color weighting
Other Features
- Conform meshes to terrains or ground objects
- Procedural box mesh
- MegaShapes Lite Bezier spline system
- Import animated splines directly from 3ds max
- Make animated Splines inside Unity with our Spline Keyframe system
- Turn splines into line meshes with spline to line/tubes or fill to mesh options
- Spline exporters available for 3ds Max, Maya and Blender.
- Kml, SVG, OSM spline import support
- Wrap Mesh, wrap a mesh to a deforming mesh, great for clothing or facial hair etc
- Animated Book
- Attach objects to deforming mesh surfaces
- Paper Scroll System
- Bezier Patch image deform
- Spline Path Follow System, objects, Rigid Bodies, Character Controller
- Draw Spline at runtime system
- Animated Hoses, connect two objects with deforming animating hose
- Tracked Vehicle system
- Train Follow system
- Train Tracks system
- Camera Orbit script
Included 50+ Modifiers
- Bezier Attractor
- Bend
- Bubble
- Bulge
- Collision Deform
- Conform
- Conform Multi
- Crumple
- Curve Deform
- Curve Sculpt
- Curve Scult Layered
- Cylindrify
- Deformable
- Displace
- Displace Limits
- Displace Web Cam
- Displace Render target
- Dynamic Ripple
- FFD 2x2x2
- FFD 3x3x3
- FFD 4x4x4
- 2D versions of FFD for Sprites
- Globe
- Hit Deform
- Hump
- Melt
- Noise
- Page Flip
- Paint
- Path Deform
- Pivot Adjust
- Point Cache
- Push
- Radial Skew
- Ripple
- Rolled
- Rope Deform
- Rubber
- Scale
- Simple Mod
- Sinus Curve
- Skew
- Spherify
- Squeeze
- Stretch
- Taper
- Tree Bend
- Twist
- Vertex Anim
- Vert Noise
- Wave
- Waving
- World Path Deform
Space Warps
- Bend
- Bubble
- Cylindrify
- FFD 2x2x2
- FFD 3x3x3
- FFD 4x4x4
- Globe
- Hump
- Melt
- Noise
- Ripple
- Sinus Curve
- Skew
- Spherify
- Squeeze
- Stretch
- Taper
- Twist
- Wave
- Waving
- ZStretch Noise