Hi all!
I think MonoDevelop is kinda bad IDE for scripting so I’m wondering if there are better free or atleast cheap IDE’s to use?
Can Notepad++ used for Unity? Or Programmers notepad? Any else?
If so, how?
Hi all!
I think MonoDevelop is kinda bad IDE for scripting so I’m wondering if there are better free or atleast cheap IDE’s to use?
Can Notepad++ used for Unity? Or Programmers notepad? Any else?
If so, how?
As somone who scripts now and then, I use Notepad++. I’m sure there are more experienced people who can answer the “which is best” question.
Go to Edit ->Preferences ->External Tools - then browse for Notepad++
cheers, gryff
Visual Studio with UnityVS.
Ok, thank you. I think I will test this out.
I use Visual Studio Ultimate… I’ve used 2010, 2012 and 2013 (both Preview and Release Candidate) and all work very well. I’ve never used the UnityVS plugin so I don’t have debugging capabilities within Visual Studio but I can switch to MonoDevelop for that. If you don’t have an MSDN license or access to Visual Studio full, you can use Express which is free.