Hey guys,
I am wanting to try and make a solid game with little to no programming required, a big ask I know. However i’ve noticed there are plenty of kits on the asset store, but not all of them fully explain the technical requirements and such.
Basically I am looking for a balance between quality, ease of use, features and price. Just to get you acquainted with my noobness i have previously been using rpg maker engines. I like them for ease of use but desire MOAR POWA that they dont offer!
My main considerations right now are possibly
Plygame by plyyoung
Action-rpg starter kit or top-down action rpg starter kit by hitbear (which of these is better, doesnt the top down also have 3rd person cam and is newer thus should be similar and better?)
Dungeon Breaker
So are any of these decent and which would you recommend? Or should i be looking at ones with a +50 pricetag, although from what i can tell most of the 100 dollar ones require programming.
Lol, i am pretty lost with it all and dont have the cash to pick the wrong tools the first time around, so want to make a semi educated decision based on advice from experienced users such as yourselves.
Plygame does seem pretty solid but if i am going to pick the single player route would the free dungeon breaker be suitable, what are peoples opinions on comparing these 2?
I suppose the other free alternative is unirpg but i assume plygame is much more robut seems its a commercial and newer tool by the same dev?
Ill stop now, im pretty sure you see my dilemna after all that rambling lol.