Best performance for forest scenes in VR

I was hoping of adding a larger forest multiplayer map to our game. I did some tests, downloaded the free speedtree from untity asset store, a basic terrain, a mixed mode directional light and painted a few trees. Got maybe 45 fps because of too many set pass calls. Also the tree leafs moved when rotating head, looked very strange.

So what technique should I use to get 90 fps? :smile: Is it possible with Unity 5.5.1 and mixed mode directional light to make larger nature scenes?

I was thinking something along the lines of the map Zavod 311 in bf4 when it comes to the density of the foliage

Target platform is SteamVR and minspec is GTX 970 and i5 4590 3.3 GHz

Try Alt Trees found on the assetstore. We have tested this in VR, and performance and quality is very good!

Thanks for reply, this one?

Seems to have some trouble with loading level?

Have they fixed the problems with leafs rotating with turn of head?

Still beta I think - so I guess some hickups need to be ironed out

How was the performance of the trees from the asset? I would like to use it in my own project. Looking for any feedback.