Best place to learn and understand quaternions? And a general programming question.

Don’t think there is much to explain … but i wanted to also ask about something scripting related …

Is there a GOOD Road Map around there for a Unity Programmer? What you should do and on which order you should do it?

I have been reading two C# Books recently … C# Yellow Book and C# Primer Plus, already finished one and i am at half the other … the first one (Yellow Book) was REALLY helpful for me! But with the second one i am kinda feeling is going “Out of my path” … with a different focus …

I mean, is not bad since i also want to learn more about Programming but for now i need more Game Development focus … and i don’t think i’ll need so advance stuff to do some basic games on Unity (For the moment) … Unless i suddenly decides to make an Engine of myself (Thing that won’t happen) i don’t quite think it is necessary to finish the C# Primer +

Thanks for your time! =)

Ps: Not a native English speaker!

The tutorials provided here on the Unity Page are great. Lots of videos covering everything from basic programming to specific Unity concepts. On the English page just click the Learn button at the top of this screen and start exploring.