Best place to start learning C#?

Hello there,

I’m interested in learning C# so that I can better prepare myself for the classes in college that I will take in the near future, as well as a better understanding of the Unity Engine. Currently I have the latest Unity installed (the free version) as well as Visual Studio 2013 Express (again, the free version). However I would like to have a reliable source to refer to that describes and teaches C# so that I can start using it effectively. I appreciate any help given, thanks for your support!

The final link in the post I linked above is a direct link to a huge amount of resources for learning the scripting side of Unity. Please note that the final post is broad for both C# and Javascript/Unityscript. You will find quite a bit of information for C# in the final link of my post.

If you’re interested in also learning the ins and outs of programming there are a few other articles in the forum for learning those as well as some directly from Microsoft. - Learn C# with no game programming involved.

There are also a ton of books available on the subject of both game programming and just programming with C#.

There is also a user on the forums that made a great tutorial on C# :

I found his tutorials are good for learning the basics of C# as a programming language and ways to utilize it with Unity as well. (He even has a Space Shooter tutorial to enjoy going through). He teaches with an unorthodox method for video tutorials later in his episodes which gives the learner a more classroom feel that enforces utilizing your own skills to learn, rather then depending on the teacher to do all the work for you. All in all I believe his tutorial is of high quality work.

I hope this guides you on some avenues to seek for the knowledge you’re looking for.

Good luck.

Thank you so much, this helps me tremendously!

Thank you. This made my day.


Best of luck with college and learning to program,
