I’m trying to make infinite procedurally generated chunk based terrain. Because the generation of block data and vertex/triangle arrays takes a while I’m trying to put as much as I can on a second thread.
Currently I have a background thread checking which chunks need to be loaded, generating them if they’re not already calculated and adding them to a dictionary of chunks to load which my main thread then looks at during the regular update cycle and uses to instantiate the generated chunks. This approach seems to be working in theory, the logic is sound at least and the chunks generate and are instantiated as they should be but the background thread just stops working after a little while. It seems to stop arbitrarily (sometimes 2 seconds, sometimes 20 seconds) although notably I can get it to stop by causing a spike in the rendering requirements (suddenly looking at an area of the world which has a lot stuff to render).
Checking the thread state reveals that it is alive but not running. It’s not being blocked by the main thread because if I comment out all the critical sections from the main thread, the background thread still freezes after a few seconds of running.
I’ve tried using
as well as
but the problem persists. I’m not sure if the structure I’ve set up isn’t really conducive to decent multithreading or if I’m misusing the thread synchronization methods/keywords.
If it is the way I’ve structured my program, how would I structure it in such a way that works? And if it isn’t that, then what is it about the way I’m using threads that’s causing things to go wrong? Thanks!