Best practice for waiting seconds

Im doing a fighting game with 2 players. When one player dies the death animation calls a method at the end. The method tells the gameManager code that the game has ended and it can go back to start menu.

Id like the method to wait x seconds before going back to the start menu. I know i could do this by creating a method called GoBackToStart() which first WaitForSeconds(X) and then ShowStartMenu() and then i would call the GoBackToStart() in a StartCoroutine();

I dont like it cause i find it ugly to create extramethods which are called from only one place. Is there some way i can just have it all in the method called from the animation and wait X seconds and then call on the ShowStartMenu()?

Or do you have a better suggestion? Im new at Unity and im not sure what lies ahead. Best practice tips are apprecieated.

I dont like it cause i find it ugly to
create extramethods which are called
from only one place. Is there some way
i can just have it all in the method
called from the animation and wait X
seconds and then call on the

Your desires do not in accordance with best practices to me. You need to go learn about C#'s events. You will use them like this:

Animation-handling script:

public event Action Ended;

Any other script:

animationClassInstance.Ended += () => //whatever code

As for the waiting for a time problem, I think coroutines are poorly-conceived, and I just use Update. But in Update, I just run a delegate, which I redefine as necessary. Disable the script when that delegate is null.