When we press left button of our mouse on a point of our world our character goes to that point. I detect the point with Input.mousePosition within OnGUI()
There are several buttons at the bottom of the screen. They belong to a canvas object with value “overlay” on render mode.
I don’t want move the character when one button at the bottom is clicked, so I figure out if the click has happened in a button with EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()
I have tried putting all my OnGui() code within the update() and I get a runtime error “nullReferenceException” in the line where I declare:
Event e = Event.current;
My code is:
Event e = Event.current;
if (e.button == 0 && e.type == EventType.MouseDown &&(!EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject())) {
//do the movement to Input.mousePosition
It seems Event,current isn’t initialized in update(). I also read that UI events should be managed within OnGui(). How can I fix my code to catch the click within update()? doing it in update is more performance?
I’m thinking other alternative: I could manage the left mouse click using a “event trigger” of type “Pointer click” I’m very interesting in the performance of the app, so which alternative is the most efficient?