Best practices for processing assets after importing from Asset manager

Hello, I’ve just started with the asset manager and am trying to find some guidance on the best way to deal with assets imported from the asset manager, specifically in two areas:

On the very basic level, is there a way to import assets into folders related to their collection (i.e. if I had a character-skins collection, all assets in that collection would be imported to Assets/character-skins)?

It would also be great to then process the assets depending on their tags to apply specific model presets/ create prefabs if needed. An example might be importing 10 new character skin models with ‘character-skin’ and a skin-type tag (i.e. ‘normal’ or ‘legendary’); rather than setting up each skin manually, is there a way on import, to get a script callback with list of new assets, read tags of these assets and process accordingly (i.e. create a new skin prefab for each new model, save to the correct prefab folder, add to the correct configs etc)?

Hi @saltd ! I’m Andreanne, the product manager for the Asset Manager editor plugin, thanks for reaching out :grinning:

I love your question, the short answer is today you can’t customize the plugin in such way that it would

  • Automatically import assets from a collection into a specific folder with the same name or other criteria
  • Run custom scripts post import based on asset labels.

The longer answer is that we are refining the epic to expose a public API that will allow this kind of customization.

The examples that you provided are solid and I’ve added them to the list of requirements for the epic.

If you would like to chat more, feel free to DM me and we can meet over zoom or continue the conversation on this thread.

Thanks again and have a great day.

Hi Andreanne, thank you for your quick response! It sounds like the epic is still very much in the planning stages, but do you have a rough idea of when the work might be released?
In terms of functionality, an import callback (that works in the same way as the AssetPostprocessor callbacks) similar to the following would be great if possible:
OnAssetManagerImport(AssetData assets)

Where AssetData contains assetpath, collection, metadata

some assets you can move them around the project library in other folders, this works for anything that doesn’t have scripts attached. if it has scripts attached most of the time it will not work so better leave them where they are.