Best Scoring Method

Hey Unity folks. I was wondering what the generally accepted way of displaying scores is. There are a couple things I thought of, including an object in the scene, and the game controller itself.
I’m also having trouble with displaying text on only some of the cameras some of the time. I want the cameras to be able to show a life number and a target sign while the players are alive, and when they die, show the score. My main problem is getting individual cameras to do different things.

Any ideas?

Try to use Layers:

How to do this is explained here.

I hope this will help you.


Layers are more appropriate for drawing objects in different groups, according to how you want them to be drawn on the screen. They’re most useful for 3D game objects.

I would recommend using a GUIText or TextMesh, depending on how you want to integrate the score into the look of the game.

Thanks - that helps a lot, but I have a new problem - I changed the layer on the scoring GUIText, but when I press play, it switches it and another object (layer = default) to another layer that’s being drawn. Clearly, this is aggravating, and I can’t get it to get better.
Also, I can’t figure out what the logic is behind changing the cullingMask on the camera. Perhaps it is another bug-like problem, but I can only get it to change between Default and Nothing (respectively responding to an odd and an even number that the cullingMask is set to).

Nobody knows what could be causing this? I’m sure somebody does. Thanks for any help!

Maybe you can post a couple of screenshots of inspector so we know more about what you are doing?

Picture 1: GUIText object named Scores : notice Layer = Scores
Picture 2: Main camera : notice that Scores is invisible
Picture 3: Scores again : notice changed layer - now it is visible (without being changed through a script or the inspector - the only difference is that now the scene is playing)

Any idea what the problem is?