"Best Time"/high score help…

Hi again. Yet another question from me. (I’m learning!)
I’ve been doing a lot of searching regarding this but have yet to find anything useful and as you probably know, I’m not a genius when it comes to scripting, so I’m asking here.

I’m making a game. (my Skyroads-like game I keep mentioning in my questions)
The next thing I really need to do to make way for other things, is set up a best time/high score system.
Throughout each stage there will be a timer running from the beginning to the end. It will be counting up of course. I want it to get the time at the end, check to see if it’s the “best time” and save it. (I guess in PlayerPrefs) I want each individual stage/level to have its own best time of course. Then, at the level select screen, there will be a “Best Time” below each level and it will display the “best time” for that level/stage.

I already have a timer counting up. I haven’t told it when to stop yet, since I don’t actually have a complete level that “starts” and “ends” but I’ll get to that.

I’d just like a place to start. You don’t need to write any code out for me if you don’t want to. I just want some direction. I’ve looked into PlayerPrefs a bit, looked at other high score questions, but they’re all about a high score table with a name and all that. I just want ONE “high score” (best time taken from the Timer’s variable at the end of the level I guess) to be saved and displayed on the level select screen at a certain point on the screen. (Of course) Plenty of other things I might do with it, but I can figure all that out myself. For now I just need some help figuring this out.


TL;DR, I want to do this:

  1. Have a timer counting up (on any given stage, whatever, this is already done, unless I need to re-do it to make up for the method I’ll use to save it and all)
  2. Save the timer’s “time” when a certain thing happens (the level is “completed”, I guess a boolean or something, whatever, not important)
  3. Check to see if it’s the best time (check the previous best time, if there is none, then it should be 0 or something and it will know there is no best time, so it is automatically the best time)
  4. Display the best time somewhere. I’m not asking for you to write it all out for me, just pointing me in the right direction with a few tips will do.

Sorry for such a long post, I’m somewhat of a perfectionist.
Thanks for any help in advance. :slight_smile:

Well this is UnityANSWERs, so I’ll take a minute to write a pseudo-code, assuming you use JS. I won’t comment it as its pretty self-explanatory.

static function UpdateScore(currentScore:int)
    var highestScore:int = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(Application.loadedLevelName+"_highscore");
    if(currentScore <= highestScore)
    Debug.Log("Congratulation! You just beaten the previous high score of: "+highestScore+" with a score of: "+currentScore+" in the level: "+Application.loadedLevelName+"!!!");