I need to know which is the best tool for automatic lip sync in unity. I need perfect lip movement. I came across annosoft lip sync tool, but not able to find the link for downloading annosoft for unity. Is there any other tool.
What are the formats supported for lip sync to be added in unity.
Thanks in Advance.
If you need perfect, FaceFX is the closest you’ll find. It’s pretty much the industry standard. It’s Unity-friendly, with a Unity integration package, and available as a standalone application or as plug-ins for the major 3D modeling/animation packages. It can export to a compact XML bone curve format or standard FBX. Like most lip sync software, FaceFX analyzes audio at design time to generate animation files that you can then play later at runtime. Other options in this category include Crazy Talk and Magpie.
You could also look into Mixamo’s FacePlus, which uses a webcam (again at design time) to generate facial animation based on live video recording of your face.
There’s also a free Unity-based project called Tagarela, but I haven’t tried it out.