Best Unity version for my PC

I really like Unity 3D. But what I need to make sure is that will it work on my PC. Well probably you have guessed that my PC is Potato. And I also don’t have any idea that which version should I download. Unity 3 is bad, Unity 4 is a bit high graphical, Unity 5 is really high at graphics.
Here are Specs of my PC:

  • Pentium 4 Dual-Core (E5400)
  • 2.7 GHz
  • Windows 7 (32 Bit)
  • 2 GB Ram
  • DirectX 11

That’s all! So what version would you suggest for this PC?
(It’s a shame that there is no history of system requirements for older Unity versions on this page…)

Edit: Unity 3, 4 and 5 should work fine, since “the rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects”.
Even the 2017 versions (up to 2017.2) should work as seen here.

I do would suggest you to try upgrading your PC’s hardware.

Try Unity 5 and if doenst work then try Godot Engine.

Decade computers aren’t a good idea for any kind of development work. You should upgrade (replace) your PC if you want to do anything more than just opening a blank editor.

Unity 2017 doesn’t have 32 bit editor builds.

I don’t want to create high graphics. And even if I want to add some type of bloom, shadows, specular (Which my PC can render, of course), I will disable them first before testing and then before publish I will enable everything! I have downloaded Unity 4 hoping it will work! I will post a reply if it will work.
~Thanks for the response! :slight_smile:

Note that Unity 3 and 4 were released when Unity Personal was crippleware. There were large numbers of features which were unavailable unless you got a Pro license. This changed with Unity 5, but Unity 5 will likely perform poorly.

Well, I have Unity 5 installed now and it works like a charm! I don’t need to create hyper realistic games. What happens is when I create lot of trees on a terrain or when I add too much grass on the terrain, it slows the editor. Well, that’s not a big problem. But what annoy me is a bug that crashes Unity and now I am looking to upgrade my version to Unity 2019. Will it give good performance?

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