Could someone please provide the best recommended version control solution for Unity projects? Is it Source Tree? Perhaps provide a good tutorial?
I’m an intermediate coder with lots of 3d experience, but I’ve been avoiding learning about this. Been backing up the whole project each day I work on it in zip files (I know that must sound silly).
“Best” is very subjective. Lots of people use Git, but with tighter VS integration in newer versions of Unity I guess more people will start using TFS. Either way, there’s plenty of documentation available:
To be honest, if you’re a solo developer, then you could do a lot worse than nightly backups to a zip file. You might lack fine control and commenting of each commit, but at least you can always roll back your mistakes!
Personally I’m using TFS.
But it’s lacking a lot automatic features to track changes.
Most important thing of note:
Enable Visible Meta files in Edit->Project Settings->Editor
if you don’t enable metadata, when you load your project on a different computer, a lot of the data on files like prefabs etc. will be lost and screwed up.
Before you check-in
you have to manually add the new files (in TFS, you can click on your main folder, choose “add files” → next, and it will automatically detect the new files.
But also, you’ll have to manually remove files that you’ve removed OR moved to a different folder.