Best Way display Live Stream 360 from Url


I am a beginner on 360 video and VR. I read a lot of blogs and articles about how to display 360 video in unity. I could make it work via this post:
My next step is to display 360 live stream via a url. (I tested a simple ogg video from a url)

Here are my questions:

  • Do my link has to finish by the extension ? Like .ogg ? or .mp4?
  • I am using Movie Texture for my tests, it seems only ogg format is working… (
  • Do I have to only focus on the C# code? I mean, no matter is the url, i just have to process video flow and display it into my sphere?

Many Thanks

What OS are you on?
Take a look at Easty Movie Textures on Gear VR and AVPro Video for Windows

If you don’t want to use a plugin, you can use (Unity - Scripting API:, but it won’t work on mobile and you’ll have to convert your videos to .ogg.

If you prefer to use others video formats, you should use Easy Movie Texture or AVPro like Scottunity said. It’s also easier I think.

Can anybody help me I need to stream live video from samsung gear 360 to unity