I’m making a bullet hell and I am trying to make sure the game stays at the most consistent FPS possible. I’m already using a pooling system with active/inactive gameobjects, I’m mainly wondering what the best way to implement multiple bullet types is. I have tried to make different scripts inherit from a basic bullet script and have their angle change or accelerate or whatever, though it didn’t seem to help fps that much. It used virtual voids which apparently don’t run well, so idk what to do really. Essentially I want to know the fastest way to implement different types of something, and with the types changing things often in update. I can provide some code snippets if someone’s curious
I think one of the easiest and best ways would be to Instantiate a bullet, and then remove it after a second or so. You can do so by using, Instantiate(gameobjectincode, amount of time in seconds you want it to live for) Ex. Instantiate(Bulletprefab, 2f);