Best way of creating prefab factory

I’m looking for a proper solution for the following problem:

My Unity app consists of two main scenes. Lets call them scene A and scene B.
When building the app, there’s a list of prefabs (between 2 and 50 different ones). The user of the app can then choose one of these prefabs to be displayed in scene A or scene B.

Therefore, I need some sort of factory which has the following features:

  • Ability to register the various prefabs. Ideally this would be done in a way that allows a person building the app in Unity to simply drag’n’drop the various prefabs into a list shown in the inspector.
  • Ability for any scene to request an instance of any prefab.
  • Ability to request a preview texture (Texture 2D). Ideally the factory would be able to create a scene, place the prefab in there, grab the texture from the camera and return it as a Texture2D.
  • Needs to work in standalone mode (Linux, Windows, MacOS) as well as on Mobile (Android, iOS).

What is the best/recommended way of achieving this?

Given that I need this functionality to be accessible from any scene I assume that I need a static factory class which can be called from any script. However, in that case it seems that there’s no way to use the inspector to simply drag’n’drop the prefabs into a list.

Here’s my factory script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Factory : MonoBehaviour
    private static List<GameObject> prefabs;
    private static List<string> prefabNames;
    static WatchFactory()

    private static void Initialize()
        // Initialize prefab names
        // Ideally we could either assign the names or the prefabs directly in the inspector
        prefabNames = new List<string>();
        prefabNames.Add("Prefab 01");
        prefabNames.Add("Prefab 02");

        // Load prefabs
        prefabs = new List<GameObject>();
        foreach (string prefabName in prefabNames) {
            string prefabFullPath = "some/sub/path/within/resource_folder/" + prefabName;
            GameObject prefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>(prefabFullPath);
            if (prefab)
            GameObject instance = Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject;
            if (instance)
            // Hide the instance as we don't want it to show up in the scene
            // Add to list of prefabs
    public static List<GameObject> models()
        return prefabs;
    public static int Count()
        return prefabs.Count;

This works well within the unity editor but when building & running on Android the prefabs list is empty.

Any hints are greatly appreciated.

Not a static list, no. Try using a ScriptableObject instead. You can drag/drop your prefabs into the ScriptableObject.

Then in your individual scenes you can either drag/drop the ScriptableObject into a MonoBehaviour in the scene, or load the SO via Resources.Load or Addressables.LoadXXX methods.

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Using ScriptableObject helped me achieving what I was after.
Thank you a lot!