I’ve created a modified version of this answer here using UnityScript on how to make a 2D tiled sprite. How to make 2d sprite tiled? - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions
// using UnityEngine;
// using System.Collections;
#pragma strict
public var gridX : float = 0.0f;
public var gridY : float = 0.0f;
var sprite : SpriteRenderer;
function Awake () {
sprite = GetComponent.<SpriteRenderer>();
// if(!GetSpriteAlignment(gameObject).Equals(SpriteAlignment.TopRight)){
// Debug.LogError("You forgot change the sprite pivot to Top Right.");
// }
var spriteSize_wu : Vector2 = new Vector2(sprite.bounds.size.x / transform.localScale.x, sprite.bounds.size.y / transform.localScale.y);
var scale : Vector3 = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
if (0.0f != gridX) {
var width_wu : float = sprite.bounds.size.x / gridX;
scale.x = width_wu / spriteSize_wu.x;
spriteSize_wu.x = width_wu;
if (0.0f != gridY) {
var height_wu : float = sprite.bounds.size.y / gridY;
scale.y = height_wu / spriteSize_wu.y;
spriteSize_wu.y = height_wu;
var childPrefab : GameObject = new GameObject();
var childSprite : SpriteRenderer = childPrefab.AddComponent.<SpriteRenderer>();
childPrefab.transform.position = transform.position;
childSprite.sprite = sprite.sprite;
var child : GameObject ;
var h : int = Mathf.Round(sprite.bounds.size.y);
for (var i : int = 0; i*spriteSize_wu.y < h; i++) {
var w : int = Mathf.Round(sprite.bounds.size.x);
for (var j : int = 0; j*spriteSize_wu.x < w; j++) {
child = Instantiate(childPrefab) as GameObject;
child.transform.position = transform.position - (new Vector3(spriteSize_wu.x*j, spriteSize_wu.y*i, 0));
child.transform.localScale = scale;
child.transform.parent = transform;
sprite.enabled = false; // Disable this SpriteRenderer and let the prefab children render themselves
I’m not the best at doing this and am still very new to Unity, so it’s working but with one caveat: It’s creating two rows of these tiles instead of one:
I’m basically trying to generate portions of the platformer to avoid having to duplicate a gameobject over and over manually.
So, am I not understanding quite what is being done with the code, or am I missing something? It’s not a deal breaker, and with the camera I am using I’m sure I could find a work around, but I’m hoping someone will point out my mistakes and aid me in the right direction.
The code above works perfectly for creating a 2D tilemap as statement pointed below and here is the adjustment if you want basically use this on only one row:
var child : GameObject ;
var w : int = Mathf.Round(sprite.bounds.size.x);
for (var j : int = 0; j*spriteSize_wu.x < w; j++) {
child = Instantiate(childPrefab) as GameObject;
child.transform.position = transform.position - (new Vector3(spriteSize_wu.x*j, 0, 0));
child.transform.localScale = scale;
child.transform.parent = transform;