Best way to find another object's transform?

I’m new to Unity and have been working for hours on what I believe to be a very simple problem. I can’t seem to find an object’s transform.y from outside of that object. I’m trying to have a button be displayed when my player’s lives reach 0. While I can get the button to display I also wanted this button to be dependent on where the ball is in the game (the game is a breakout clone). When the player’s lives reach 0 and the ball has fallen off the screen I want a “Play Again” button to pop up. I can’t seem to get my GUI to reference the ball object’s transform.y. I’ve tried quite a few functions but to no avail. I eventually end up with an error msg or I have essentially nothing happening.

This code isn’t my best attempt at this but after about 2 hours of failing I seem to be going backwards. I know this isn’t the correct way to do this (I shouldn’t be using GameObject.Find every frame for example and probably shouldn’t be searching in OnGUI() ) but this was my last attempt before bed. Can anyone point me in the right direction and help me out here? I really appreciate you taking the time!

var hudLives :String;		
var ballPos;

function Update () 
	hudLives = scr_Ball.lives.ToString();	
	guiText.text = "Lives: " + hudLives;	

function OnGUI()
	var ballPos = GameObject.Find("pf_ball");
	if ((scr_Ball.lives == 0)//  (ballPos.transform.y < -10))	
		if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2-50, 100, 50), "Play Again"))
			scr_Ball.lives = 4;

Thanks again.

make a public transform variable in your class, drag the player/ball gameobject onto it in the inspector, use it.

gameobject.find is slow and should not be called every frame. ongui is called several times a frame so dont do this. alternatively you can find it in start and then remember it in a transform variable like above.

I woke up this morning with this exact solution!

Thanks for your input, it means a lot to me.

It now works and I am a happier person :slight_smile: lol