Best way to find component(s)?

I need a run-time script that will find all instances of a given component. I know how to do this with an editor script, but the components I’m looking for may (or may not!) be in a prefab, instantiated at run time. So I want to do something akin to GetComponentsInChildren, but for the ‘root’ of the scene. Is that possible?

Generally, I want that to be a generic function, instead of one that returns Object, so I use extension methods to clean up the code a bit:

using UnityEngine;

public static class ExtensionMethods {

public static T FindObjectOfType <T> (this Object unityObject) where T : Object {
	return Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(T)) as T;
public static T[] FindObjectsOfType <T> (this Object unityObject) where T : Object {
	return Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(T)) as T[];


Then, in any class that derives from UnityEngine.Object (such as a MonoBehaviour), you can do

Whatever[] arrayOfWhatevers = this.FindObjectsOfType<Whatever>();

Sure just use FindObjectsOfType. It does exactly what you want :wink: