Hi all!
I have simple script:
public class Player: NetworkBehaviour {
public void OnMouseDown()
public void CmdColor()
public void RpcColor(Color color)
GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = color;
it works on the server, but on client it works only for local player. If i click on client to remote players, in console i have warning “Trying to send command for object without authority”. I think it due security. In Unity docs written “For security, Commands can only be sent from YOUR player object”.
I changed my script:
public class Player: NetworkBehaviour {
public static Player Local { get; private set; }
public override void OnStartLocalPlayer()
if (Local == null)
Local = this;
public void OnDestroy()
if (Local == this)
Local = null;
public void OnMouseDown()
public void CmdColor(NetworkInstanceId id)
public void RpcColor(Color color)
GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = color;
This script works perfectly, but i not shure, that is the best way?