Hello,I am using Vector3.MoveTowards
in this code, and it does work, but the movement is instant instead of updating each frame. I researched that the way to fix this was to put it in the update function. However. I’m not sure how to do this if I need to have an if statement in another function which determines which movement I should use?
Another question, which forum is the best for others to critique your code? I think it’s the Documentation forum but I’m not sure.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class IEOMovement : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject IEO;
[Range(0f, 1f)]
public float spawnChance = 0.5f;
[Range(0f, 15f)]
public float speed = 10f;
public GameObject LeftScreenPoint;
public GameObject RightScreenPoint;
private float minSpawnTime = 5f;
private float maxSpawnTime = 15f;
void Update ()
//How do I move leftToRightMovement(); to here, if I need to have an if statement in another function which determines which movement I should use?
void Start()
private IEnumerator Spawn()
if (Random.value < spawnChance)
if ((gameObject).CompareTag("leftIEO"))
// Setup for next spawn
yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(minSpawnTime, maxSpawnTime));
void leftToRightMovement()
//place the gameObject prefab at the LeftScreenPoint's position
//Instantiate(IEO, LeftScreenPoint.transform.position, LeftScreenPoint.transform.rotation);
IEO.transform.position = LeftScreenPoint.transform.position;
//moves object to the RightScreenPoint
IEO.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(IEO.transform.position, RightScreenPoint.transform.position, (speed * Time.deltaTime));