Best way to run method for X amount of time? C#

I've tried a few different ways but haven't found anything which seems to work perfectly.

Basically, on collision I want to do a method for say 20 seconds. I've tried various while loop examples but they seem to crash.

If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.

I would do something similar to this:

bool looping = false;
public int loopTime;

void OnCollisionEnter () {
    if(!looping) {
    //this just prevents it from being called while it is already looping.
        StartCoroutine( CollisionLoop(loopTime) );

IEnumerator CollisionLoop (int loopLength ) {
    float i = 0;
    looping = true;

    while (i <= loopLength) {
        //Run Loop;

        i += Time.deltaTime;
        //add 1 frame's length to i.
        yield return null;
        //wait one frame

    looping = false;

After each frame, we add the change in time since the last frame, deltaTime, to `i`. So after 1 second, the deltaTime will be (approximately) 1. Then we wait a frame and repeat the loop if `i` is less than loop time. So as long as `i` is less than `loopLength` seconds, you will run the loop again. The `looping` check is just there so that if you bump an object twice you won't start 2 loops. That would more than likely be bad.