Best way to show a glow on the ground below character

I want to have different coloured “glow” effects on the ground below a character. It will be different colours according to where he is. What I’d like to know is what would be the best way of achieving this?
Would it be a coloured shadow, a light? I am pretty new to unity but fairly competent in C#, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Yes projector lights are the cheapest spec wise to show a glow under the character.
(If I’m not mistaken, the reason for good performance is that its rendered as a texture and not as a light.)

I am using projector lights instead of spot as I want to achieve the head lights effect on a cars game. Indeed the performance has been increased but it still downgrades the FPS when the projectors are on. I use OC but since the cars lights are switched on/off due to a day / night effect I think that I cannot use baked lights. Any other ideas will be much appreciated.

P.S. the tests are made on a dual core Android tablet with 10.1" screen. The game resolution is 480x320 (iPhone 3Gs) though.

I used just a simple horizontal billboard particle, with a size over lifetime system that creates a pulsating effect (if desired). It doesn’t actually glow as in “lights up the vicinity”, but if it’s just the effect you’re after, give it a try :slight_smile: