I’m currently trying to find a proper workflow to bring in baked diffuse maps from 3ds Max into Unity . To be more clear, these maps contain GI + direct lighting multiplied by the surface color/texture. So technically, these don’t qualify as Lightmaps I guess, since the lighting is not separate from the surface color and textures.
The reason I prefer to bake with highend renderers like VRay or mental ray is because they give me more options in lighting my scene as compared to Enlighten.
Now I am wondering which shader should be best used to plug these maps into. Using the Unlit shaders isn’t an option, because I want to add layers of specular reflections on top of the baked maps using Reflection Probes.
Right now I am using the Standard shader. I plugged the maps into the Albedo, set the “Ambient Source” to a solid white and the Ambient Intensity to 1.0. While this sort of does the job, the white Ambient Source is not working well with non-static/dynamic geometry for which I haven’t baked any maps. They turn way too bright.
Putting the maps into the Emission slot might work better as I don’t have to use any Ambient Source, but I still feel like it is be problematic elsewhere. For one thing, such an emissive surface isn’t reponsive to dynamic lights any longer. So, for instance, if I decide that a Unity spotlight is needed to enhance the scene, this won’t affect the materials with the baked maps.
For another thing, my Emission slot is now occupied, so I can’t add any emissive textures anymore.
Which workflow do you guys suggest to get my baked maps into Unity without the aforementioned problems?
Any help is very appreciated!