Beta 4 "The type or namespace name 'Terrain' could not be found"

New bug of Beta4 which raise when Wind built In module is disabled.

For now Unity force us to enable almost all built in packages because it just can not work without them.

For now I have to enable VR, XR, Wind and Physix2D just for compilation success of Unity internals.

Is there some eta when disabling BuiltIn unity packages will be available?


Disabling builtin packages is possible today, but it is not yet a great user experience. We are working on fixing that. In this case, there are a few issues:

  1. Terrain module depends on Wind module, so if you disable Wind, Unity will also disable Terrain - but the Package Manager UI does not know about dependencies yet, so you will not be able to see this.

  2. Other packages currently cannot depend on Unity built-in packages for the same reason.

  3. The compiler error message should explain which package you need to enable to fix this. However, with the new scripting runtime, we switched to the Roslyn compiler, which broke this. We are working with Microsoft on fixing this (Error CS0246 instead of CS1069 for forwarded type in unreferenced assembly · Issue #29747 · dotnet/roslyn · GitHub). If you switch to the old scripting runtime temporarily, you will get meaningful errors for this.


Thank for clarify :slight_smile: