Just installed beta 5, a lot of my UI elements are now all over the place, as if the anchors/pivots have been messed up.
I’ve gone back to beta 2 and it’s all good now
Just installed beta 5, a lot of my UI elements are now all over the place, as if the anchors/pivots have been messed up.
I’ve gone back to beta 2 and it’s all good now
Could you please file a bug report with a minimal reproduction project for this issue and reply in here with the case #? You can find more information on how to submit bug reports here.
I had a simmilar (or same) issue with the RectTransform too. Every time i changed the values of a RectTransform that was already a part of a prefab the values changed to a “random” (allways the same) value. But i only had this issue in beta 4. Today i upgraded to beta 5 and everything is working as it should.
Case #996627
It took a while to get a minimal case, I cant reply to the case ticket, but I after I submitted it I removed the Vertical Layout Group and the problem still occurs.
Thanks a lot! QA was able to reproduce the issue.
Oh, RectTransform, what Hell doth thou come from?
Fixed in beta 6?
No, I’ll post an update once I know more.
I submitted a case just now that may be the same thing as this case 999590. It’s a little different in that the rect transform changes on play as well.
Yes, it’s the same issue. Good news: it was fixed yesterday. Should be resolved in b7.
Good - you may all have supper tonight.
Is there a workaround while we wait for b7? This is throwing my UI elements all over the place and making it hard to test.
I can’t take another Unity release with broken UI. I have no more money to pay for therapy.
UnityEngine.UI is the therapy. It keeps making you stronger and more creative. You find workarounds to problems you never thought you would face, every day. You’re twice the man today that you were before it.
Seriously, though, it’s a very good framework in its bones. It’s just plagued by some performance and stability challenges at its core. Whenever it’s destabilized like this, my sincere hope is that it’s because they’ve finally decided to take a risk and tear out those rotten core pieces and try to truly fix them, and that we will emerge from the other side of this temporary pain with something better. Time will tell.
Disabling Canvas Scaler or having the Camera at (0,0,0) position prevents this issue from happening.
Well that might be worth trying, because downloading b7 seems like a waste time…
…another week of disappoint for a proper fix.
B8 is out… Is it fixed?
No, it is fixed in 2017.3 but hasn’t been backported to 2018.1 yet…
I used to think fixes landed in the latest beta’s first as priority … not the other way around, this changes everything… how can you really expect any to test or use beta versions in any meaningful way with projects when they are this broken and left unfixed for weeks at time. And I’d consider ugui layouts getting completely messed up being pretty serious of an issue to resolve.