Apologies if there is a readily available answer for this - I have spent an hour searching.
The standard water shaders use a very basic fallback for water on older GPUs - a single scrolling texture. Now I understand the limitations, but would like to fake a fresnel effect, if at all possible in combination with a single texture. Is it at all possible?
Is there any example of a similar shader or any resources I might take a peek at?
Many thanks in advance!
Fixed function is best handled with just using multi texturing with 2 stages, a nice caustic texture with add blend over a nice water texture, then lazily scroll them.
Or an animated texture like retro world of warcraft.
Well, that would look good enough for smaller water surfaces. However, I would like to find a solution where the color changes with the relative angle towards the camera - like a fresnel shader. Is there a way to accomplish this or fake it in some ingenious way?
Sounds like you just want specularity with a distinct specular texture?
thats a very short shader actually I think strumpys shader editor has a graph that you can use as base to cut out parts for this 
You can use a pre-rendered cubemap instead, I’ve done this many times with fixed function and looks almost as good for water that has moving verts.
I was under the impression that Strumpys editor didn’t play well with iDevices…? Maybe that’s old (or incorrect) info…? 
Do you mean an environment map using texgen SphereMap? I tried that and in my case the vertices aren’t moving and it’s applied on a plane which meant I only got a single color with no change depending on distance to camera. Applied on a sphere for example it works well, but not for a simple plane. The result differed between the Unity view (with the correct graphics simulation mode on) and what I saw on the iPad1 with OGLES 1.1 - I assume this is due to how graphics simulation might not be 100% true to RL…
Oh, and thanks for the replies this far!