Is it just me, or do others wish the Scene hierarchy tree was improved a little?
Right now, we’ve got the basic tree structure that we use to name and nest objects. I think it would be a lot more useful if it also offered the following features:
The components of each object are listed as children - This way, I could quickly copy+paste (or move) a set of components from one object to another
Customisable icons for type of object, allowing us to quickly identify objects by their icon rather than just their name - This could be specified in the scripts attached to the object.
Root/Group objects (ie: those objects that have no components and are simply added to help organise the scene) should look like a folder
Components can be copied and moves, etc already from object to object.
There are even editor scripts to search for gameobjects with a specific component.
Sounds to me like what you really want is a more dynamic inspector that allows for multiple selection and copying of components.
I totally agree on the icons - it would be nice to be able to easily customize hierarchy and project icons, or even just text colors for the names.
How would the folder structure affect the transform hierarchy (which is what the hierarchy is for)? Would folders just not count as transforms, thereby making the objects appear deeper in the hierarchy, when in reality they could still be at root-level? That seems confusing. And if you want the folders to affect the transform hierarchy, why not just use “empty” game objects instead of folders?
Something I’d like to see is a hierarchy that can be filtered between alphabetical order and user-defined order (like photoshop layers or Cinema 4D hierarchy). Same for the project view.