Beyond Horizon - Game made with Affinity + Unity


Beyond Horizon is a 2D side-scroller game focusing on story and exploration both on land and within the stars. Explore dungeons, towns or fight space pirates with your ship, while uncovering the lore and the secrets behind the Sigma and the original race, all of this is just Beyond the horizon.

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Follow development on Notion!

What is the game about:

Beyond Horizon follow Aito after his grandfather suddenly has to leave, 3 years later with no return he tries to save up everything he has in-order to afford a spaceship to go after him.

While on a routine mission to find a missing cargo supply he comes across a stone that once touched absorbs into Aito giving him powers along with a map to 8 location. Unknowingly awakening an evil force to his location.

Now to save his town the only option is to flee, they attempt to lure the Sigma away with his friends in a stolen spaceship, now the only option is to run. Following the map to each location in the hopes to stop this Sigma killing the system.


Below are some screenshots and videos from my work in progress of the game.

UI + Combat update 2:

World 3:

Player House:

Dev log 7: Beyond Horizon - Game made with Affinity + Unity - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions

Dev log 6: Beyond Horizon - Game made with Affinity + Unity - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions

Dev Log 5: Beyond Horizon - Game made with Affinity + Unity - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions

Dev Log 4: Beyond Horizon - Game made with Affinity + Unity - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions

Dev Log 3: Beyond Horizon - Game made with Affinity + Unity - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions

Dev Log 2: Beyond Horizon - Game made with Affinity + Unity - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions

If you can help support us on Patreon: (if you can’t thats fine share the word about the game:

Also Join the community: __Discord

Thank you for checking out the game and I hope you all have a great day.

Game links:

Facebook: Redirecting...
Discord: Beyond Horizon
Unity forum: Beyond Horizon - Game made with Affinity + Unity - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions
Affinity forum: Beyond Horizon - Game made with Affinity + Unity - Share your work - Affinity | Forum
GameJolt: Game Jolt - Share your creations
indieDB: Beyond Horizon Windows, Mac, Linux game - IndieDB


Update 1:

Update with a WIP on a interior shop:



Back with another small update. Been working on uni stuff with my silent ocean posters (learn more at:

Shop is now in game:

And I’ve been adding more stuff to the starting zone to give it more life. What do you think? Now need to work on towns people.

Also here are some chests:

And a spooky cave:

I’ve also been playing around with the main characters ship design, what do you think?

Thats all I have for this update. I hope to be able to work more on the game soon >m<!!!

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Another update for Beyond Horizon is here!!! Last time I showed off the outside of the ship the player will use to get from location to location within the game.

Now its time to show off the inside of the ship. The image is a bit hard in the screenshot below (it game it will be a little brighter but the point of it was meant to fill old and dark) What do you think of the ship inside?

Next, I would like to show an update on the starting world and some changes made to the background and lighting.

I’ve also started working on the next area within the game, a desert style planet, this will introduce the player to some key components within the game. Below you can see some planet type objects.

Along with this a small video showing off an early WIP of the level.


What do you think about the new level design/style along with the side of the ship?

Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day.

Also just for fun here is a before and after shot of the outside of the ship design from the last update.


really nice man!:wink:

Really beautiful the only thing that bothers me is the walking/running animation that he stick his hand up. You really are great artist.


Thanks!! the hand is for testing reasons at the moment and will not up in the final animation. I’m currently in the works re-making the animations for the main character.


Back again with another update! This time I will be showing off the cave within the desert level. The cave is the first “dungeon” in the game. This area is still in early stage so feedback of how it looks would be great! I plan to add some glowing plants to the area to try and bring some more life to the area and some basic enemies will soon be in the level.


On top of this zone, I’ve also been working on one of the space stations in the game, this station is overrun by outlaws and people trading items on the black market.

There has also been a lot of back-end work on the game setting it up with Bitbucket + SourceTree to allow other people within our growing teamwork on the project.

After the space station is done I will be starting work on a new level!!! So hopefully in the next update, I will be able to show off the finished space station + update to the cave and some very early screenshots of the new area.

Also if you think you might be able to help out with the project please email me at where currently looking for a character artist.

Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day.

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The only feedback i can give for the cave is that in the second layer group like the rock next to the player (0:25) looks like its paper made.I think it need a way to make it look that it has depth. Keep up the good work m8 i m eager to see more!

Very cool, I love the environments. The game kind of gives me a Starfox / Titan A.E. vibe.

I know you mentioned you’re addressing the issue with the player hand; right now that’s the only critique I can think of.

Great stuff.

For presentations sake, you reeeeally need to fix the arm thiiiing!!!

that artstyle is insane! What would you call it ?

Thank you so much everyone for the feedback ^-^ I’m currently in the work of changing the character wth new animation and ability’s + fixing the arm so next update you see with the player he will be fixed!!!

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Mini update:

We now have a community discord sever: Beyond Horizon Come join talk about the game, give feedback and share you own work!!!

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UPDATE 5 - Character animation!!!:

Early this week you may have seen a post on Twitter about some character animation I’ve been playing around with for the game. For this update on Beyond Horizon I’m happy to share with you some character animation for the game. These animation are still early in development and are subject to change tho I would love your feedback on how they look / what you thinks need to be improved.

Character animation:


Main Crew - David, Hiroki and Kiyoko:

Masato, Aito’s Grandfather and Junk Shop Owner:

Apus - Towns people:


On top of the character animation where also currently working on the following:

  • Dialogue System

  • Dungeon AI

  • New character set up

  • From feedback the character arm will be getting fixed along with a new combat system

So whats next? We will be working on some more character designs, continue on working on the dungeon AI and new character scripts along with starting to plan out a new level in the game!!!

Don’t forget to you join the “Beyond Horizon” Discord sever where you get early news about the game’s development along with giving feedback to the game and showing off your own work. Join today: Beyond Horizon

Till next update, I hope you all have a great day.






Patreon for our game is now live, help support the game at:

Announcement trailer + more:

Our Patron is live and now its time for an announcement trailer check it out below:

Along with that we also have a new video showcasing the Virgo Majoris desert + cave area along with new music for the game.

If you can help support us on Patreon: (if you can’t thats fine share the word about the game:

Also Join the community: __Discord

Thank you for taking the time in reading this dev log!!! I hope you all have a great day.

Game links:





Unity forum:

Affinity forum:

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Hello everyone, I just wanted to give a quick update on how the game is going as we head closers to the demo lunch window for the game (Mid to early Q4 2018). To start off the update lets head into a dungeon!!!

In the video, above you have two types of AI, ground, and flying based, there both in early development (and will have different styles of attacks that can be triggered) but it allows us to see how combat works and changes we need to make to the design. What do you all think?

Below you can find break down of each section of the development

Mr. Brick has been doing an amazing job with the monster AI for the dungeon section of the demo, at the moment he is working on 2 out of the 3 AI that can be found lurking within the dungeon (one ground and one flying AI) After the 3 monsters are completed he will start work on the Boss for the level!!!

Along with this were also started working on the dialogue and cutscene system that will be within the game to this is still only at the testing point but soon will be implemented within the game.

With almost all the character sound effect and inside house sound design completed Jason has been doing a great job design amazing sound effects for the game with him currently working on the first world (outside area sound effects currently) Soon we will start to share some of the sound effects on Patreon so get ready!!!

For music, Krystian has done an amazing job bringing the game to life with the soundtrack!!! You may have heard some of the music already in the gameplay and trailer videos along with starting this week if you support the project on Patreon for $1 or more you can get access to work in progress of new music for the game, the fist track you can hear at:

Character Design:
With only 6 characters left to be designed (within the demo version of the game), character design development is going really well and we will be able to share more designs soon so keep an eye out!!

Level Design:
Where up to the last world (fishing town) for the demo currently in work is a completion date within the next 3 weeks we should have all level design assets completed for the demo allowing a larger focus being shifted to the core game design and getting everything really for Q4, 2018 demo.

To fishing off this update below you can see some of the animation used for the enemy AI’s including some that were not shown off :open_mouth:


This was only a quick update and did not show off much the game is coming along well and I can’t wait to share more of the project with you soon!!!

Don’t forget to join the Discord group to give feedback and share your own work as well: Beyond Horizon
You can also help support the development over on patreon from $1 or more:

If you support the project with $15 or more you could design an NPC, monster, boss or a WHOLE world within the game!!! :open_mouth:

Thank you for taking the time in reading this dev log!!! I hope you all have a great day.

Game links:
Facebook: Redirecting...
Discord: Beyond Horizon
Unity forum: Beyond Horizon - Game made with Affinity + Unity - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions
Affinity forum: Beyond Horizon - Game made with Affinity + Unity - Share your work - Affinity | Forum


Welcome to Apus Lyrae, your Home world. One of many planets just Beyond the Horizon.



Looks like pure fun, love the design and art style!