I am new to unity, never made a game before, don’t know how to program. .but i have a few amazing game ideas i think would be very awesome, maybe even the best concept. how do i get big game companies to even consider excepting my ideas? do i approach them with a demo? do i approach them with an awsome game trailer? i’ve never done a pitch before…please need advice…
Make a demo and a trailer.
and check tips for pitching
Unfortunately game ideas are a dime a dozen, and “big game companies” aren’t looking for new game ideas. New game ideas are too risky to spend big money on. They only want to spend big money on established franchises, rehashing a proven formula.
Indie game devs are where new game ideas thrive. But every indie game company or individual indie dev has many of their own great game ideas they don’t have the time for already. So it is unlikely they would pay money to buy your game idea. What you’d more likely need is either money to fund the project, or a game dev skill to significantly contribute to the project. Either of those is more valuable than the game idea itself.
My opinion
But when you pitch to a publisher, though, I think you’re not just pitching your game idea, right? I think you need an already-developed, finished or mostly-finished, viable game before the publisher will consider it. There are games like No Man’s Sky where the publisher brought-in extra developers to finish the game, but the game was already near completion before the publisher was even brought in. Of course by “completion” I mean such as it was when it was published.
Not this one, maybe extra QA, but not extra dev
Why would a company be interested in an idea from someone with no experience or technical ability?
And why would you ever think that you know better than people who have made games, do have technical abilities, and have been in the field all their lives?
And after all that, why should they just not take the idea?
You can’t own an idea.
And let’s say in your wildest fantasies, why would they sign an agreement to hear an idea and not just take it, when they don’t know what you are going to suggest.
This is so beyond silly.
I’m sorry to be mean, but you need some reality checks.
Go to the learn section and make baby steps.
Don’t think you can cheat the system and start at the end.
You need to put in the work like everyone else.
Since you are new:
My advice is, to learn to code, learn 2d game art, and learn some 3d modelling etc, and make your own game, and forget those silly AAA game companies. That way, you can have full ownership, of your intellectual game property.
Why? Because the worst thing is, if the game idea is a really good one, the game makes a ton of money, and then you and the company get in a disagreement, they try to “legally con” you, and it ends up for months or years in court.
Let me guess, either MMO or Battle Royale… or a Battle Royale MMO.
And it’s exactly like a game made by a AAA studio with a 8 figure budget, ONLY BETTER!
Write stories about a game. Make it alive in words.
I’m not sure from there, but many games are based on writing or graphic novels.
I mean have you played New World? It is pretty clear anybody who has played a game more then 10 seconds would be a better dev then those at AGS.
Please people, don’t swallow the bait.
People keep doing it, even I mention that before, that OP is probably laughing pants off, seeing people arguing. That at best, assuming is not a bot.
And OP is not even logged in, since registration date.
We should have automated response button, with thread lock, for such threads like OP questions. Would save a lot of our time. Somehow entartaining tho.