hello guys,
I built a game level of a building,
I have 30 rooms, 50 doors and windows and some objects, furniture, cabinets.
I have all textures, but when I create lightmap to 4096 shows little detail,
I render the entire model into a single texture file, but is too detailed,
how can I get lightmap correct?, I have to make one room at a time?
Make lightmaps for different sections, you will probably need anything from 8 to 16
Maybe the Geartech tutorials can get you started:
I have to create many textures to 4096?
Unity supports many high-resolution textures?
You don’t have to use so huge textures for lightmaps, most of the time 1024x1024 should be enough.
ok, I’ll do the tests,
I recommend that you create lightmap for single room?
The biggest problem with lightmaps if your using an automatic UV packer is that they are typically quite lousy laying things out badly with too much uniform padding, and splitting polys and sections of meshes that simply don’t need to be seperated.
Even though its a pain, its worth the extra effort to go through the whole lot by hand and stich areas together, adjust scale for areas that don’t require detail so they don’t waste pixels.
4096 is pretty big and might cause problems on older hardware.
If its all interiors you could try making a simple culling system where you dynamically load rooms based on which room your in, so only neighbouring rooms to the player stream into Unity. Takes a little extra organization but isn’t too hard to do.
OK, you’re very kind and professional,
using Softimage XSI,
in XSI exist unique to polymesh uv map, but as you said, I have to adjust the mapping, I have problems texturing the walls with cluster, when fbx exports there are error messages!
I have to create a texture global (4096) with pictures of the wall, floor, doors, windows and objects, now select polygons and map the correct position on the texture global…
then create the lightmap …
I hope I explained myself well, use google translate to describe my job!
If you have a method
I would be very happy to know!
very tnx
I want to create a level like this:
but in xsi I have problems with texturing and tiling whit cluster…(cluster FBX export problems)
someone can tell me the technique in xsi?
I haven’t used XSI in a long while so I don’t know what the export options are. You might have to save different sections to different scenes and export them separately so that you don’t have one big huge fbx file. Or, there may be separate plugins available that allow you to do this from within XSI. In the end, you want to break your scene down into smaller portions for Unity. This will also help performance.
As has been already mentioned; avoid using 4096 textures, they’re huge and may cause accessibility issues for some people. Lightmap sections according to their relative size within the world. For example, your room might be a 1024 lightmap, and the door would be a 512 lightmap, and so on. It is a lot more work to do all of this, but is really what you need to do in most cases if you’re lightmapping your world from a different package…
ok thanks,
Where can I find these plugins for xsi?
very interesting
my level is too heavy and I absolutely have to resort to this system, please tell me how?