I’m getting this error on a Mac on Unity 5 while trying to set a cubemap in a material :
“Bilinear floating-point blitter is only supported for RGBA float formats”
This cube map is a RGBA Half format coming from a single dds file and I don’t know what to do to get it displayed since I can’t set it into a material.
Also, is there any way to convert it to a RGBA8 cube map inside Unity ?
I’ve solved the cube map problem by using AMD CubeMapGen to convert my RGBA16F Cubemaps to RGBA32F and that seems to work. Unfortunately most Unity shaders don’t accept CubeMap textures for input which is rather disappointing as I need to write custom shaders just to use a cube map on a skybox
Whats wrong with the RenderFX\Skybox Qubed Shader? That shader is designed to take in a QubeMap for the skybox.
That seems to show something up but there’s a couple of issues With the shader Skybox/Cubemap. One is that my cube map shows upside down and I can only rotate horizontally. Also, when I hit play the cuebemap disappears (I think it becomes fully transparent or something) Then it says something about it containing alpha and not being “RGBM (incompatible with HDR)”. And the initial issue
“Bilinear floating-point blitter is only supported for RGBA float formats”
still pops when I use a RGB16F .dds file.